[Openplm_announce] Users management : New functionalities available on svn server and on online demo

P. Joulaud pjoulaud at linobject.com
Fri Oct 21 14:03:32 CEST 2011


We developped new functionalities for user management :
- We add possibility to create groups and invite users in them
- We add "sponsor" function. Now, you can sponsor someone who is not
registered in an openPLM system. This will create a user+password and
send e-mail invitation.

These new functionalities are available on :
- Our svn server (svn co svn://openplm.org/openPLM)
- Our svn server with http protocol (svn co
http://openplm.org/svn/openPLM openPLM)
- One of our online demo (http://mobile.openplm.org)
Logging in this demo (user : test, password : test), you :
1- Swith to "STUDY" view
2- Click on "DELEGATION" tab
3- Click on "Sponsor" button
Then, you'll be able to sponsor yourself or someone else.

If you want to react (howto, bug, suggestion, ...), I'll suggest to
use :
- The mailing list : openplm_user at list.openplm.org
- Our trac (http://wiki.openplm.org/trac/newticket) but you need to
register yourself before.

Philippe JOULAUD 

Editeur d'openPLM, le 1er PLM open source. 

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