[Openplm_announce] New release: openPLM 0.5

Pierre Cosquer pcosquer at linobject.com
Wed Mar 14 10:10:34 CET 2012


We are proud to announce the release of openPLM version 0.5.

The key features include :
 * New applications:
   - subversion : Subversion integration
   - gdoc: Google Documents integration
   - document3D: online Step files renderer and step file decomposition
 * PDF generations
 * New lifecycles management: when an object is promoted to its
   official status, its previous revisions are canceld or deprecated
   according to their status
 * Translation into Japanese
 * User interface improvements
 * Bugfixes

Everything is available on :

- Our website :

- Our svn server with http protocol
svn co http://openplm.org/svn/openPLM openPLM

- Sourceforge :

You can test it :

- One of our online demo (http://mobile.openplm.org)

If you want to react (howto, bug, suggestion, ...), I'd suggest to
use :
- our mailing list : openplm_user at list.openplm.org
- our trac (http://wiki.openplm.org/trac/newticket) but you need to
register yourself before.



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