[Openplm_user] Problems installing

Pierre Cosquer pcosquer at linobject.com
Thu Nov 3 17:05:51 CET 2011

Le Thu, 03 Nov 2011 15:10:07 +0100,
"Jason Morgan" <j.a.morgan at gmx.co.uk> a écrit :

> Hi,
>  I'm trying to install openPLM but I've immediately run into problems.
>  I've installed prerequsites as per various instructions as well as
> rabbitmq and celary - whatever they are for?


Celery is a distributed tasked queue written in Python. It allows
openPLM to execute long running tasks asynchronously.
For example, to send a mail, openPLM executes a celery task.
Celery routes this task to a worker node (a celeryd process).
Celery needs a message broker. This message broker enables
clients (the apache server running openPLM) and workers to communicate
through messaging. RabbitMQ is a message broker software recommended by

>  I've created a database under mysql and populated it using manage.py
>  I've altered settings.py accordingly.
>  I've added a line to my apache conf, thus
>  WSGIScriptAlias /plm/ /var/django/openPLM/trunk/openPLM/apache/django.wsgi
>  when I browse http://server/plm/admin  i get an admin login dialog,
> but when I enter my details I get a huge error log
>  IOError in method_framing.py in read_method, line 221
>  I am reluctant to post log here as it seems to contain cleartext
> passwords.
>  Any clues?

It seems celery receive an IOError. Maybe celery is missed configured
(check BROKER_* variables in your settings.py) or a running task
raised this exception (it may be a bug or a permission error).
You can also check Celery logs (/var/log/celery/celery.log) and rabbitmq

Can you post a more complete traceback ? I need more data on this
exception to investigate this problem.

>  cheers,
>  Jason.


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